In the second half of May 2020 students carried out the online piloting of modules on the e-platform that was created within our project “Cultural knowledge and language competences as a means to develop the 21st century skills“.
24 IT students both full-time and part-time took part in the online piloting. Due to the pandemic there was no other possibility to carry out the piloting. Before the piloting I had a meeting with all students on the Microsoft Teams platform, where I presented all modules and materials. I also explained the purpose of the piloting. I showed them different tasks and asked them to solve at least one module in Slovenian and invited them to try other modules in English or German. We tried to solve one module together online and when we finished I also asked them to fill in the questionnaire the school had sent.
After the presentation, first impressions of the students were positive. They liked the idea of learning something about cultural heritage by using the computer although some admitted it would be nicer to visit some of the places. They also liked the possibility of solving the materials in different languages so they could test and improve their language skills. F2F as well as pair and/or group work was not carried out. The students handed in the questionnaires when they had their English exam at school. At that time schools were opened again.