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[ES MS, SLOVENIA]Project workshop for secondary school teachers and staff at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota, Višja strokovna šola

On 31 August 2020 a workshop within our project “Cultural knowledge and language competences as a means to develop the 21st century skills“ was carried for teachers and staff of the secondary vocational and grammar school Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota. The workshop took place in the computer classrooms at Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota, Višja strokovna šola. As the school employees already had a presentation of the project in June 2019, I presented the modules and materials in Slovenian and showed them how to solve different tasks. Then they started solving tasks in different languages – Slovenian, Croatian and German. 32 teachers and staff took part in the workshop. Because of the limited number of computers (due to the pandemic) they could use, we divided the employees into two groups after the introduction. Before they left the workshop they filled in the questionnaires so that we could get some feedback. The majority of them found the materials interesting and useful. Some teachers also found that the platform would also be useful for students at secondary school as it covered language skills as well as historical and geographical fields.

Erna Vöröš

Ekonomska šola Murska Sobota

Project manager